Friday, April 17, 2009

How would you develop a government if you were given the chance to create it from scratch?

I am writing a fictional book and would like to know what things would make up a good government. I am looking for some creative twists or ideas for a totally fictional made up government. Include any information that you feel would be useful. Time period, type of people, ect. is not that important at this point in time but you can add those things if you want to.

#1... out of the 10 commandments... 5 are essentilly the "basic tennants of civilization"

Don't lie

Don't steal

Don't sleep with someone else's mate

Don't kill (outside of the rules of law)

Don't covet your neighbor's stuff (actually... this refers back to "do not steal"... and don't sleep with the other guy's mate)


Just skip the ones related to worshipping God

Without AT LEAST those basic rules to stand on... there is no civilization.

#2) There is no sense in even trying to legislate morality. It doesn't work.

So... if you think some action causes social harm... tax the hell out of it, but don't prohibit it.

Abortion: Big tax. If women have abortions they aren't producing new taxpayers for the future. (the only view government has any business having about the issue)

Drugs: Big tax. (that includes alcohol.. tobacco, "pot"....)

Driving: Tax the heck out of TIRES and fuel. Tire wear is proportional to road wear caused by the vehicle. Fuel use is proportional to mileage driven... and thus the needed traffic monitoring by law enforcement.

Mandate public transport adequate to make it so the average person doesn't need a car. Bicycles, electric golf carts and public transport would be adequate for society to operate.

Require military service in order to EARN the right to vote.

Limit elected officials to ONE TERM of 4 years out of every 12 years. If someone is Governor... they serve 4 years... then have to wait 7 years before commencing a campaign for another office. Same for ANY AND ALL political offices.

Mandate profit sharing ratios. (If a business is losing money... CEO gets $1 a year MAX!) this would be the most complex law in my system....

No income tax. ONLY sales tax. And.. City sales tax = 1%, County = 1%, State = 1%, Federal = 1%

Ballanced budget law: The budget for the government can not exceed COLLECTED TAXES for the PREVIOUS year. NO NATIONAL DEBT ALLOWED. If the government doesn't ALREADY have the money.. they can't commit to pay for it.


I could go on... and on... and on...

Every candidate gets a set amount of free time to speak on TV and radio plus a set number of column inches to write in the newspaper every day. Presidential candidates get 5 minutes, local city council gets 1 minute. There is no production value, just the candidate talking. The only graphic is a standard name and office (like an MTV graphic). That would get the money and 'slickness' out of the campaign.

Lobbying is allowed, but only to talk to the elected official in his office. No trips, meals, gifts, etc.

Any law passed applies to everyone, the legislature cannot exempt itself. You would not believe what our current governments get away with this way.

All budgets must be balanced except in time of disaster or war. See above to ensure all corporate accounting practices also apply to the government budget.

Presidential pardons must be reviewed by the court system. No more big contributors and buddies getting pardoned when they are guilty.

If I was to develop my own kind of government it would be based on the old community way of doing things. Each tribe or state or whatever would get a chance to lead. Let's say there are thirteen states, each year one state would take up leadership, so only the people in that state have to vote. In each state there would be different job groups and children at the age of twelve are measured for their abilities and begin to be directed in that direction. Only those who have proved themselves leaders by the time they are eighteen are allowed to try for power seats. To be in powere though you have to have participated in community based projects. Each leader must be at least tri-lingual and computer literate, undergine a course in diplomacy and have a second or third degree. There is also a retirement age not more than 50. After every five years, therefore the leader must be changed. Each year,the chosen leader is evaluated by a committee made up of specialists from each state for economic progress. Each ministry will be led by a Minister who has proved that he is the best in his field, for instance, the minister of defence would be the best Navy Seal in the country. The government would give a detailed report of it's expenditure each year, via the media.

Given the fact that 80% of people are whiners, 10% are extremists, 9% are morons, and 1% are decent intelligent citizens, I feel the only way to have a proper government run by humans is to have a communist gov't. Now don't get me wrong, the communist gov'ts from the past were no good I'll admit, but a communist gov't is designed to level the playing feild, and theoretically it promotes equality, given it's run and supported by honest kind people. That's where the fault with this type of gov't lies....there are no decent kind people running the governments today. Except "on paper".

Read The Prince by Machiavelli

Socrates too has some ideas about Philosopher Kings.

That is a great question. To use the words of Stephen King from On Writing, to be a great writer you must first be a great reader. Consider Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. When he created the governments of Lulliput, etc, he based them on satirizing the government of England. That is one way to do it. Or consider the work of Anne Mc Caffrey in her Pern series. She created an entire societal structure for her planet. Just start brainstorming and deciding what things you don't like about our government and how you want yours to be. It will take a lot of research and time. Good luck. Pax - C

Following world war II there were ton's of misplaced jews around the world.

The decision was made to provide them with their own nation on the soil they still consider sacred Israel.

Albert Einstein was intimately involved with the creation of their country & the way it continues to opperate today.

Two things there that stick out to me are mandatory military service for every man at age 18 & every person is taught english begining in the first grade.

English was chosen for two reasons. First it is a global trade language, enabling the jews to become very invovled in global comerce & politics. Secondly the land that is currently Israel came from the British Mandrate of Palestine.

I Believe Israel has the most futuristic government today. Their country is in a really bad neighborhood yet it is fairly high functioning.

I do think the guy above me has the best answer, you really should read "The Prince" it is the definitive work on modern politics. You have to understand how something works before you can reinvent it.

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