Friday, April 17, 2009

Why am I selfish if I dont want the government taking my money and giving it to others?

If I choose to be charitable that's one thing, but having the government making me is against my Freedom of choice.

So you would appear to be arguing for voluntary taxation - and the right say leftist ideology is impractical.

Not so much selfish as fairly ignorant.

Unless you are making a sh*tload of money, you will be getting money back, not giving it out.

Bush was the one who took your money, and he took it to give to the rich. McCain has already said he'll continue that idea.

Obama is not taking from you to give to lazy people; he's taking your money back from the ones Bush gave it to (the rich) and instead is giving it back to you.

To be taxed at a fair rate is the price you pay for freedom. To be taxed at an unfair rate that spares the elitist or well connected to provide an income for those who pay no taxes is socialism. To each according to his needs from those with the means is communism. That is Obama's plan. Take from the working class/small businesses and give to the 48% that pay no taxes.Establish many government programs that rob a person of the will to achieve. Why should I, the government will do it for me. Just like the ones in New Orleans that are still waiting for the government to do it for them, cause they are to lazy or lack the will to do for themselves.

"Selfish" is the Liberal code word for "anyone who is not a Communist"

Wear it as a badge of honor, I salute you!

Just read some of these responses that say "what do you care if you get the money", those are the selfish ones. Willing to trade the right to control your own earnings for a lame politicians bribe is almost as sad as believing he will only snatch that right from those making over 250,000 a year.

Another example of failure of the public school system to teach truth & critical thinking skills.

You're not selfish, but liberals like to make you think you are. Boy, imagine if this was John McCain's plan, the left side would be all over it calling it socialism and a practice to hurt our amazing country.

"Spreading the wealth around," has become the appropriate and popular term to describe obama's, excuse me, Senetor Obama's tax plan. To do what he so calls 'the right thing to do,' is by all means an act that will prove to continue the economic downfall of this country. Another great depression, is that what we really need? Why don't we try to stray away from Hoover's mistakes and go with what sounds better than selfishness on the liberal's side.

Think about it, you're giving your hard earned money to those that haven't worked for it, crushing the American Dream to be rich and successfull in this American life. Our freedom to spend what we want and live how we want to live as rich Amercians is quickly being executed and thrown away. You're not selfish to want to keep your money, you're not selfish for wanting to keep your income growing instead of having almost everything you've earned stolen and given to someone else.

Imagine going to school, earning your straight A's, getting ready to graduate, going for the gold, suddenly, the teacher states that it isn't fair, the guy with all the F's and D's should have some of these A's. And suddenly the teacher takes your grades, and hands them to that student, allowing him to succeed to your level, and you falling behind, still trying to make it with what you have left. Next thing you know you and the kid that didn't do anything are neck in neck for the race to wealth and success, but what happens when you're almost there? Both of you now are getting your grades given to someone else, and so a pattern is created. The wealthy can't get wealthier, the poor get as wealthy as they can until they are concidered wealthy enough to help the next poor person. Socialism, a scary word, but all sumed up it means the government is taking care of you when you should be taking care of yourself, and if you notice, that and the tax plan are alike.

Scary eh?

If they need taxes to pay for things that EVERYONE uses such as roads, that's fine. Welfare should be done through charity, not mandated on your tax burden because not everyone uses it, that's a loss of choice. You also cannot opt out of Social Security and Medicare if you would choose do so, you have no choice when it comes to that. Since when did the government start believing that it could think for everybody?

I already pay in more taxes than some people make in a year.I don't mind paying taxes I understand that taxes are necessary to fund our government. However I do object to socialists like Obama who feel I don't pay enough and I'm selfish for wanting to decide which charities I donate too. Especially since I give more in a year than Joe Biden,or Obama has in 6 yrs. Perhaps they've never heard the saying "charity begins at home."

Ok, don't pay taxes then. And when you're the victim of a crime, don't ask for the police. If your house catches on fire, put it out yourself. If someone wrongs you, don't sue them in our courts. Forget about sending your kids to public school, the people without kids don't want to subsidize your kids' education. And don't even THINK about driving on our roads or using our transit system. And if a nation declares war upon you, you're on your own.

the messiah you will do it. the messiah is all knowing. bow down to the messiah. you no longer will have to think for yourself the messiah will do all thinking for you.

the new golden rules

1) the messiah is the new gold refer to rule number two

2) he who is the gold makes the rules

3) any questions refer to rule number 1

Roadways are paid for with Property Tax. Interstate roadways are paid for with Gasoline tax.

I wish these kids actually studied government and understood these things.

You are smart you know how to manage your money better than the government, look what happened to social security.

Aside from which income tax has ONLY been used to pay the INTEREST on the debt, not even any principal for years.

Government has NO business taking your money for welfare recipients on Obama's unbalanced system. Obama wants to MISuse it to even out race diferences and that is in Obama's OWN WORDS.


he starts to change the Constitution, listen to what he said in 2001.

VOICE: And you are joined by Barack Obama who is Illinois senator from the 13th district and a senior lecturer from the University of Chicago.

OBAMA: You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movements and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples so that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it, I'd be okay, but --

GLENN: Stop. Stop, stop. Remember, he's not for reparations. He's not for reparations. That's the line that everybody will tell you if you talk about this. He's not for reparations. But what is the fundamental failure of the civil rights? You got the right to vote, you can sit at a lunch counter, you can be equal. But what was the fundamental failure of the civil rights movement? Here it is.

OBAMA: But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

GLENN: Stop for a second. Obama now see it is purpose of the Supreme Court to redistribute wealth. Even if you agree that the role of government is to take wealth from one to another, should it be the role of unelected judges and justices that do this? Should it be the congress? Should it be the President? Should will be elected officials? Obama wants a radical interventionist court. He wants the court of Chuck Schumer's, and that is the court that he will get if there are 60, 60 members of the Democratic party controlling the Senate.

Now, it gets worse. Listen.

OBAMA: And to that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren court --

GLENN: Stop. The Warren court, so you know, is the most liberal court we have ever had. It is the court that okayed the Great Society and everything else. This is the most liberal. Notice he doesn't say that it is a liberal court. He says some people say it was -- they try to characterize it as radical. But it wasn't that radical. Why wasn't it radical? Listen.

OBAMA: It wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted and Warren interpreted it in the same way that generally is a charter of negative liberties.

GLENN: Stop, stop. This is so important, gang. This is -- I can't believe it. I mean, I have to tell you, I'm the luckiest man in the world and I understand what that really means. I'm the luckiest man in the world because in the last two or three years, I have been doing my homework and I have been reading things like I've begged you the read The Forgotten Man, Liberal Fascism, the Woodrow Wilson stuff. I know what all of this language means and it is absolutely amazing to me. Negative liberties, that the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. In other words, we're not going to take your guns, we're not going to take your speech. This is what the Progressive movement tried to do under FDR. They want to get rid of those things and tell you what they will do for you. Universal housing, universal healthcare, universal jobs. This is a fundamental change. This destroys the work of the founding fathers. This takes us from a small government to an oppressive government. All liberties come from them. All blessings come from them. It is no longer -- he's framing this as negative liberties. It is only negative liberties for the state. It is putting restrictions on the state, not on people. He's flipping power. It is no longer We the People. He also says, in something that doesn't make sense. In one breath Obama talks about the essential constraints placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution and at the same time suggests that the Court should have broken free of the essential constraints put there in the Constitution by the founding fathers.

"Essential" to me has always meant that they're necessary, that they shouldn't be broken or overridden. That's what essential means to me, at least. Go ahead.

OBAMA: Says what the federal government can't do to you but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.

GLENN: Holy cow.

OBAMA: And that hasn't shifted and one of the, I think the tragedies of the civil rights movement.

GLENN: Tragedies.

OBAMA: Was because the civil rights movement became so court-focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.

GLENN: Got it? Got it? Got it?

VOICE: Made the point that the Warren court wasn't terribly radical, my question is -- with economic changes. My question, is it too late for that reparative work economically and is that the appropriate place for reparative work to take place?

VOICE: You mean the court?

VOICE: The court or would it be economic at this point?

OBAMA: Maybe I'm showing my bias here as a legislator as well as a law professor but --

GLENN: Stop, stop, stop. Where is the media on this man! He is not a law professor. There is a huge difference. Anyone who is at a university, will you speak up! He is not a law professor. He is a senior lecturer now on leave, period. That's what he is. There is a difference between a lecturer and a law professor. The man doesn't care. There is a vast difference between the two titles, a vast difference between the two titles. But Professor Obama doesn't seem to know that, or he's not going to let the facts get in the way. This man is unhinged from anything that we recognize as truth. This man is unhinged from anything that we recognize as fundamentally essentially American.

First of all, Senator Obama and senior lecturer, you talk about how the government, according to the Constitution, is defined, the federal government is told what it cannot do. But it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do. Have you read the Constitution? I know you're a senior lecturer, but have you read it, sir? What is the Tenth Amendment all about? "All powers not expressly stated in the Constitution are reserved to the states." The Constitution only plays restriction on the federal government. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say what a state can't do. A state and a local government can do whatever they want. You are taking this Constitution. This man may be the man who drives the final nail into the coffin of our Constitution. He may be the man who drives the stake through the hearts of our founding fathers.

If anyone still believes, because this is what he's going to say, I'm talking about basic fairness. No, he's not. He is talking about reparations. I am talking about a system of government that I love. No, you do not, sir. You would like to change it into something else that you love. This is a guy who sees the Constitution and something that is outdated. That does not work, does not need to stand. It is exactly the same reason why the Democrats said no more power for this long with FDR. It is the same reason why the Democrats stopped FDR from packing the court. This is what FDR wanted to do. This is Liberal Fascism. And it is our final wake-up call, America. It is our final wake-up call. We are not going to get anything more clear from Senator Obama than this. You are not going to see it any plainer than this. I cannot believe how crystal clear this is. Now will America wake up. This is not about John McCain. I am not a supporter of John McCain, but today I'm going to make an endorsement. Like it makes any difference at all. Let me rephrase that. It's not an endorsement. I'm going to cast my vote today. You've got to make your own decisions and I don't think you listen to me for "Oh, who's Glenn going to vote for." And I'll explain it later on in the program. Wake up. Tell your friends, wake up.

The problem with your logic and way of thinking is that you assume your money is going some lazy person somewhere sitting on their tush. The fact of the matter is, social programs such as welfare is roughly 2%-3% of the total U.S. budget.

Our tax money goes for a myriad of things such as roads,safety, military protection etc etc etc ! If you do not want to pay taxes then I suggest you find a place that doesn't tax its citizens.

I totally agree.

FYI - To the idiot who posted "how much would you give to roadways?" This tax has nothing to do with your federal taxes that Obama plans to has everything to do with your state taxes. Maybe you should learn how the government works before you vote.

WOO go obamas tax plan, first it was if you make more than 250000, then 180000 then 150000 now we are at 125000! also where do you think all that "middle class tax breaks" come from? business, ahahahah and i dont think our business sector is in any shape for those taxes. but yay obama 2008!!!! the trojan horse for making america a 3rd world country!

You can be selfish and I know I sure am..but everyone will jump and shout whey they get their tax is like death and taxes..well it is death and is just pony up to the bar boys and let your money be seen

You better not vote for McCain if you don't want to pay taxes. He only gives a break to the already rich people. I'm pretty sure you don't fall in that category.

Don't forget. You are also unpatriotic.

Entitlements are 70% of the Federal Budget and Carter tied automatic increases to the rate of inflation in the late 1970's.

Expect entitlements to grow under Obama.

The middle class have been doing it forever! Even in the old days, the tax master would prey on the lest fortunate for money when they had more of it to give.

I don't think selfish is the word.

But what do you think the tax system does? For example, Medicare, Social Security benefits, VA Hospitals etc. are funded from our taxes.

Why wouldn't you want people like that helped?

If you want to live in the USA you have to pay taxes like the rest of us. I'm not crazy about it either but that's how it is. Get over it.

Bullspit, it's called paying your fair share (assuming you're making over a quarter-mill a year)...if so, why whine? You still don't even pay a nickel into Social Security which most working people pay into regardless...

Come now, Comrade William. How can you even have such capitalist ideas?

Don't you know that what's best for the country must necessarily also be what's best for you?

Sounds like you earn more than 250'000 dollars, right? In that case, the taxes you pay will increase. Otherwise you'll pay less.

Or are you talking about your pocket money?

Taxation w/o representation is tyranny, and the representation that the taxpayers have is a joke.

Was giving $700 Billions to the Banks a charitable thing?

Oh! Those Bank CEOs are just sooooooooooooo poor! When they spend that $440,000 US tax $ at the Whore House........ they were sooooooooo greatful of your tax $$.

How much would you donate to "maintenance of roadways?"


You do pay taxes don't you. What the hell do you think they do with it.

Good point... but in the system we live in some people just can't make enough. Blame the bullshit system.

You're right, you should hurry up & move out of the country before they get you!!!! HURRY!

i agree with you,

and your not selfish.

its not our fault if people want to be dumba$$e$ and never get an education!

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