Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why should government leave people to fend for themselves during times of crisis?

but they should be able to tell them what medical procedures they can or cannot have? Sounds like Republicans want government intervention when it meets their agenda, but not when it doesn't. I am pro-life, btw, just think the govt. has no right to tell people they cannot do something that is legal. people will have to answer to God some day. That is between God and them.

It isn't government's job to take care of us, or to tell us how to live. Government's only legitimate function is to protect our God-given rights. Any more than that, and government becomes destructive of freedom.

We as individuals, have an obligation to take care of those in need. Government only gets involved in this area when it can do so to gain power over us.

If America is 'every man for himself', then how does that fit in with American ideals like equality, governemnt for of and by the people?

Come on... You let the government take over, they don't go away! You accept their control of your life in crisis, you then open the door for things like... well, take a look at New York and California? They have literally BANNED certain kinds of foods because of all of the people who receive public funding for health care. The argument is simple... if we pay for your care, WE WILL TELL YOU HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

You can't take the money without the conditions...

I would prefer the federal government stay out of my life all together! The kind of programs being suggested by Obama are AT VERY BEST state issues (and I would argue a lot of those)... but mostly these are local (municipal) issues.

WE should be helping each other! But the government should not force us to do so!

I guess killing someone in the electric chair is a "medical procedure" too.

What right do Libs have to deny that to a killer?

"So long as men die, liberty will never perish" is what I have to say to that.

I do not think govt should tell people what kind of medical procedures they can or can not have

I just do not think govt should be paying for anyones health care at all.

ANd besides natural disasters the govt should not offer any help to anyone.

First off you are not pro-life. Second an abortion is as much of a medical procedure as a beheading.

I agree with your views on the abortion stance. I am also pro-life, but I don't think the government has the right to tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Haha I guess that actually makes me pro-choice for other people, but when it comes to myself and my own opinion, I think abortion is wrong. However, when it comes the republican view, or should I say neoconservative view, being pro-life is not about telling people what to do with their bodies, but about protecting the life of an innocent child. It's not about trying to control or take away the rights of anyone, but to protect an unborn child who can't fend or itself. Do you see the difference? I don't agree with it, but that is their view. I am against government intervention in all forms of healthcare, and that includes abortion.

Are you really "pro life"? Your question doesn't make sense. The government tells you not to kill people, right? Is that a medical procedure, too? Is it YOUR Constitutional right to do it anyway because your neighbor, whoever is an inconvenience to you because of the "right to privacy"? Get real.

The Republicans simply want to stand for the rights of the fetus being terminated because that child has no voice and no choice in the matter.

How to explain this to a liberal? It's like you don't want to repeal the 2nd Ammendment, just put a bunch of limits to a citizen's right to bear arms.

You're user name suits you. Who said that we should leave people to fend for themselves? I haven't met anyone, Republican or otherwise, who don't think that people should get some help when they need it. Where do you think all the money came from for Katrina victims? We couldn't afford it, but I sent $50 because I believe that it isn't that huge a stretch for those people to be me.

What I DO have a problem with is when people live beyond their means, buying, for example, houses they can't afford and then actually have the nerve to say they were tricked or the government should pay off their mortgages. I'M struggling, but I'm paying my bills. The government isn't going to pay my mortgage and yet it now expects me to pay for those who should have known better. If you can't pay your mortgage, sell the house and rent an apartment. No one is ENTITLED to have a house any more than they are entitled to those shoes unless they can pay for it. Why should I have to pay for them, too?

And as for being "pro-life" but believing that those who choose abortion will just have to answer to God and deal with it someday.....That's like someone, MANY, MANY citizens of Germany or Nazi occupied territories who lived near the death camps and claimed they had no idea and that they had nothing to do with it. C'mon! Do you think God is going to just let them slide because they didn't drop the gas into the chamber or they didn't have their fingers on the trigger? Get real!

You certainly have a lot of growing up to do.

The answer of the person who said the daughters of the rich could always get proper medical care with their abortions is absolutely right! To me, Roe v Wade is not about abortion but more about good medical care if a woman chooses abortion. Abortion has ALWAYS existed and will continue to exist even if Roe v Wade is overturned. Therefore, the question is will women who chose to terminate have good medical care or will they have to go to the back alley and have a coat hanger or knife shoved up inside them? I am pro-choice but NOT pro-abortion. Sounds like you are, too.

If you are talking about abortion, if it affects no one but the one, that's one thing. But when it kills one so that one is not inconvenienced that is something different.

Do you not agree? At this point, the left now claims that a child is nothing but a parasite. That it can not live without the 'host' and if the 'host' does not want it then the host can get rid of it. Well I have a new flash, kids can not live without their parents until some of them are in their mid 20's. so how long before we decide that its ok to kill them at anytime until they can vote?

your right about one thing. God deals with each one as individuals. I wouldnt want a legal kill (abortion) on my record that day. Abortion is legal, the govt. makes it that way now, but that can change. I feel it is a health issue to be resolved by women.

Surely you must see that both the democrats and republicans are fooling you, keeping you party sheep stirred up and into the 2 party corruption.

I did notice a comment you made a few days ago with the statement you thought US Marines were pusies. I think you have shown great disrespect for those who have fought to keep your right to free speech and to post such crap. Somehow i feel you have never served your country, but would be one of the first to cry for our help when the fecal matter hit the fan.

The below is the reason why rep. are on their side, and why libs. is the side their on:

Before R vs. W. the daughters of rich white men, and the girlfriends of rich boys could get safe abortions; but poor pregnant girls had to risk death and infertility, or give up college;

And if the father wanted to get married, and they refused, they could be forced to spend the rest of their life in an insane asylum.

Oh dear God, please save us from fools like you.

The blatant hypocrisy of the Republican party is astounding. Even more is that they don't realize it and will justify their beliefs with nonsense explanations.

Because everything they touch turns to manure not gold. Peace

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