Thursday, April 16, 2009

How would a large government be beneficial to the USA?

I tried to ask this question specifically to liberals and democrats but they just got mad at me and it turned out to be a disaster, so I'm asking everyone, republican and democrat, to give me reasons as to why a big government would be a good thing? Please leave Bush and past adminstrations out of your answer. I want you to specifically list reasons as to why big government is good.

I'm fine with running around with complete chaos..I would then have a chance to wear my loin cloth

We already have a large government and it is inefficient. We need to extract more value from the money we spend, not simply spend more money.

If a business spent money the way the government does, it would go bankrupt. That seems to be where we are heading. We have a sense that it doesn’t matter what anything costs because “the government” is paying for it. But WE are the government and it does matter. Do we really need to spend $600.00 on a hammer we can buy for $3.95 at K-Mart or $700.00 on a coffee pot we can buy for $79.95 at the same place?

Why is Nancy Pelosi flying coast-to-coast on an Air Force jet when her colleagues travel on commercial flights for a tiny fraction of the cost?

There’s something very wrong with the way we spend “our” money.

The are no reasons ever for big government.

If no one creates wealth, everyone can have a government job and be poor as church mouse.

"Jobs" are NOT a solution.

Creating wealth is a solution.

People jumping out of bed at 4 AM in the morning and hitting their head on the ceiling because they love what they do.

Show me the money!

Big Government is not good for anyone unless you are a politician.

Today may my prayers help me realize

I cannot control everything.

To put the world in order,

We must first put the nation in order;

To put the nation in order,

We must first put the family in order;

To put the family in order,

We must first set our hearts right.

-- Confucius

Big government will provide

-Restoration of traditional moral values

-strong national security

-abortion ban enforcement

-enforcing marriage between 1 man and 1 woman

-strict, swift enforcement of drug laws

-purge of all libs

There are no reasons that big government is beneficial. That's why you couldn't get an intelligent answer from the left.

Larger government would make you proud to call yourself american

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