Thursday, April 16, 2009

Identify the key advantages and disadvantages of lengthening the term of government and suggest an appropriate

In recent years there have been stong calls to increase the federal governments' term of office. Identify the key advantages and disadvantages of lengthening the term of government and suggest an appropriate time between elections.

No offense, this sounds like a "homework" question, probably either college summer session or high school summer school. At least you are better than some, who actually want bibliography info in the standard MLA format (yeah, someone actually asked a question like that). I don't do homework for others, sorry.

Oh, and I have a good answer too, I got my Poly Sci degree, and had to write a paper on this same topic once, just worded a little differently.

I wouldn't presume to be more insightful on these issues then the guys that actually founded this country and wrote the guidelines. And, I certainly wouldn't disagree them.

The biggest mistake our modern society ever made was putting term limits on the office of President. There is absolutely no need for term limits of any kind for any office under the current and constitutional rules. That's why we vote. We get the leadership we deserve.

Ha ha THS3GBR is such a **** subject, good luck with it cos i have no idea

Loss control The lobbyists and special interests control through the reelection process. Term limits and short terms work to their advantage.

Keeping elected officially impotent and inexperienced lets the bureaucrats and special interests have control

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