What are some negative consequences that society, government and the prostitute have to face. And some philosophical views to support this.
I think by making it legal there would be more protection for those who work the streets. I don't think it's right to lock up these women in jail, because they just go right back out there.
The disadvantages of prostitution being legal are the other crimes that come with it - like drugs and violence in general.
What I think should be done is to have the brothels come back. That way you have people in a safer environment designed for the exchange of sex for money. It'd be more sanitary, it would be in a more controlled environment, and the people who work would be accounted for.
It's going to happen - it happens all the time. Those of us who live in the burbs or even big cities may not see it, but prostitution is alive and well and pretty much everywhere. So why not let these people do this in a safe environment as opposed to a car that can take a person anywhere (and possibly to their death)? I think violence wouldn't be as frequent towards them if they are in an area where they can have someone come to their aid if necessary.
I don't know. If it was legal they could tax it more and make more. I guess it would be hard to legalise from a currently illegal situation because they would have to do some policing to keep it in line. But they have to police it anyway and overall it would benefit them.
Where I live it is legal, taxed and regulated. It wouldn't increase STDs at all like somebody says, they have mandatory STD checks and I assume mandatory condom uses and stuff. Pretty sure we have lower STD rates here in Australia compared to the USA, I know we have lower HIV rates. Also they're not just wandering the streets (I think that might be illegal), they're confined to brothels in certain areas. They do age checks and there have been prosecutions where they've found 17 year olds. I don't think it would make trafficking easier if they do those checks, and there would be less of a market for trafficked illegal stuff if you could get it legally and know it would be clean and safe and no risk of trouble to you.
I have lived in Romania for the past 17 years of my life. I work with a lot of models and all too often have I seen how illegal modeling agencies will try and trap very beautiful young girls and force them into human trafficking and sex slavery. Making prostitution legal will only make it easier for people who are out to target young girls and boys. Nothing about that is good.
Well I suppose it would require a lot of regulation to ensure that the women were of consenting age, not being forced to prostitute or prostitute in desperate times or for drugs, and of course to make sure the women were clean and using protection and the johns not abusing them. Personally I see nothing wrong with legalized prostitution if the prostitute is consenting to the arrangement.
Everything. STD rates do up, medical exspenses go up, people will look down on this country, and it will also increase crime and abuse towards victims of human trafficking and those who are forced into prostitution.
Believe me it's the worst Idea in the world. It should be illegal everywhere.
more STD diseased would spread among the population
It would make any city more trashy if prostitutes were walking around the streets, openly
many married men would probably cheat on their wives with prostitutes, if it were legal
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