Thursday, April 16, 2009

How can McCain want government out of our lives and still want to repeal Roe V. Wade?

In one part of the debate tonight, McCain wanted government out of our lives, but later on he wanted the government in our face regarding abortion.

Logically inconsistent.

Yes, and who wants a logically inconsistent person to lead our nation??

Basically, McCain's ideology is this: let's de-regulate the government so people can control their own money, but let's regulate the government because women can't make choices about their own bodies.

As I've been saying again and again, a vote for McCain is a step backwards for women and for America as a whole.


You're right - Government SHOULD stay out of our lives! Let robbers steal from you; murderers killed your family; and people who want to defame you Not be sued for lying about your reputation!

I totally agree that government SHOULD stay out of our lives - like the First time they ruled for Roe v Wade - they did not have a lawyer to represent the unborn child during the case (because up until the Roe v Wade ruling - the child was considered a child - not a product of conception!) So the decision was a flawed one from the beginning.

Originally the courts Should have stayed out of this decision and just left the situation stand as it was - that a child has rights!

BUT No! The government intruded!

You're right! Government Should stay out of our lives - I'd vote for that!

"a California abortion clinic was closed down temporarily by the city due to the high death rate and health hazards. Approximately 40 to 50 women had died from abortions at the clinic, said Kathy Walker, vice president of Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA). The group, along with the Inglewood City Council, was instrumental in closing down the clinic.

“There was one case where a woman had a D & C abortion at the clinic,” said Walker, “and she started having a complication. Instead of taking her to the hospital down the street, they took her across town to another facility that was associated with the clinic. She was hospitalized for three days and died on the last day.”

Hypocrisy. The Republicans seem to mean, they want less government, except in all areas of our personal lives and decisions as well as anything to do with spending billions of dollars on a pointless war that, incidentally, has made quite a bit of money for them as shareholders in companies providing military equipment and services. It's a sad, fraudulent line everytime they use it.

GREAT POINT! Because today's Republican party is not truly conservative, but rather a party with an unstated but understood agenda of 'family values' and business oriented financial policies. For the abortion specific debate....It comes down to those who view abortion as an event that transcends personal liberty. For those with that perspective, once a child is conceived, the mother has no say in whether that pregnancy continues or not. Life is viewed as a pretty black and white event by these people. Conception = life = human being. There is no room in this view for the developmental stages of life (when does an embryo develop a nervous system? when can an fetus experience pain? when does a fetus become what most would consider a baby?. Do we differentiate between animals and humans when it comes to life?) Nor is their room for the wishes of the mother or father. How could Republicans in Congress intrude in the Terry Schiavo case? It's the same saw.

You misquoted, he wants government out of business and business-men's lives, out of banks and bankers lives, and out of corporations.

He wants complete control of people's personal lives, ranging from what they can read and watch to who they can marry to what they can do with their bodies.

I am so disappointed in John McCain. Obama is so evil I have been supporting John until two weeks ago. His support of the bail out plan lost me. Voting for a plan that allows the government to buy private stock in our financial institutions is not only against the constitution it moves beyond socialism and is very close to communism. Anyone who will go this far to prop up dishonest business men can never have my vote.

It is time to send the Republicans a message. I can think of no better message than to write in Ron Paul. Ron was the only candidate that stood against big government and increased government spending. He also was the only candidate that talked about significantly reducing the size of the federal government.


While you are at it take a look at this opportunity. It is simple and strait forward and the concept is working for many people.

McCain is an idiot.

I hope that answers your question because it is about the most accurate answer your going to get.

Listen people, if you still support McCain you have a real problem.

Because that is just one more tired con lie. They were pretty much exposed as frauds when they went on a nationwide witch-hunt to ban gay marriage.

It's not meant to be logical. It's meant to be entertaining.

Agreed along with having qualified teachers but letting soldiers returning with no teaching certificate, teach.

As a taxpayer, I don't want my money going towards Abortions.

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