Saturday, April 18, 2009

What is Rush's problem with the government telling companies who ACCEPTED money what to do?

He said on his show today that if government starts controlling companies small businesses are next.

I disagree. These companies are asking for money and accepting it from the government. What do they expect the government would do? BUT - the average small business owner isn't getting a handout from the government....therefore government won't be involved in their business.

If the companies don't want government involvement then they shouldn't go after government funds.

Actually, I think Rush doesn't support the government handouts of late.

I agree. Any corporation heading to the federal govt. hat in hand for a bailout should be subject to strict government controls, including but not limited to breaking up any company who complains or is otherwise deemed as "too big to fail".

The biggest mistake the govt. made so far was giving AIG $125 billion to get their books straight, but not breaking the corp. up into smaller entities.

If they don't like the govt. mandates, they can go back out to the private sector and look for a private investor to bail them out. And don't think for a second that a private investor wouldn't have rules and regulations that are similar to govt. demands.

The issue is what happens when the companies are back on their feet. Is the government freely going to give power back to the company, or will they conveniently pull the "but what if it happens again" card, scare the public and trick us into thinking it's a good idea to stick around?

The government basically bought stock in the companies. As a major stock holder, they have the right to say how the company is run.

If you don't like it, don't go to the government with your hand out.

Because the government should not be running businesses. Hell, they screwed up the economy! What makes you think they know how to run a business?

Limbaugh is on the dole, and has been for years. He also may be back on the oxycotin.

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