Friday, April 17, 2009

Is there really a plunge protection team? Is the government buying billions in stock to prevent a crash?

We have heard a lot about the bailouts, which are undeniable. But I have been hearing a lot about a plunge protection team now. Apparently, some people are saying that the only reason why the entire market hasn't crashed is because the government has been artificially manipulating the market by buying billions of dollars in stock. Supposedly, they are not supposed to do this but some say they are. Is this true?

There is absolutely a PPT. The real name for it is the "President's Working Group On Financial Markets" and they operate in secrecy.

It's ok - John McCain didn't know about it either.

you need to watch this video, its about 9 minutes, and it sounds a bit Extreme but it is certainly worth consideration, this video regards the Amero, a replacement for the dollar.

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