Thursday, April 16, 2009

How is life as a teacher under federal government?

Im doing a research paper for school and i got to find out how is life as a teacher under federal government. Would anybody know this, because i am going crazy trying to find this out! Please help, it would be most appreciated.

Why don't you ask your teacher?

I'm not sure that I understand your question but I'll try.

Do you mean teachers who work at federal govt. facilities?

Or regular teachers who deal with the federal govt.

I taught in a federal prison and it was pretty easy. Not too many policies.

Now, teaching in a public school got ridiculous because of No Child Left Behind, which is a way to over-test students to gather data that makes it look like kids are learning. This Act of Congress caused me to lose interest in public educaiton and seek employment elsewhere. The govt. should set general standards and allow the states to set the specific standards in accordance with their needs. The fed. govt. is too involved in education as it stands, now.

Try reading about No Child Left Behind Act. It may help.

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