Thursday, April 16, 2009

What do you think the role of government is?

The founders of the US said the role of government was the keeping of the peace in the nation, defence of the borders, and the protection of the people in it. Basicly Life, Liberty, and the persuit of Happiness. Nearly all the founders believed that less government is best government. Yet these days if someone has a problem it's the government people look to rather then their community or respective church or help foundation. Today the biggest issues are BIG government, big taxes to run big govenrment, social programs, and the attempts to keep everyone "equal". Give it a break in my mind, as long as the government makes sure everyone has the equal footing by basically saying you can't base anything on race there you go. I miss the days when in our history books when people rallied against anything that might increase the size of the government rather then ask for handouts that only make government bigger.

Everything you said and nothing more. The exceptionalism of it is in its simplicity. Our founding fathers realized this. Too bad we haven't been good stewards of these principles.

The proper role of government is to provide for the people ONLY those critical funsctions that cannot best be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

Very few people alive today can remember a time when the USA did NOT have Big Government.

In today's dollars, up until 1933, the cost to the average American of operating the US Government was about $20.

That's right, TWENTY DOLLARS.

Today it's more than $10,000.

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