Friday, April 17, 2009

Will the government or an inventor from the open market solve the fuel problem?

I think it will be an inventer in his garage who finds a way to run cars on a fuel that is cheaper than gas to produce and that will make him a multi billionare.

I find this one bizillion times more likely than the government invensting in grants so scientests can appily for them and play in the lab in hopes of finding the answer.

I think anyone who thinks John McCain or Barack Obama will solve the problem is living in the land of Oz.


I agree completely. Free market always wins.

There are many solutions, we have to diversify our energy needs. Its not just one solution.

Many inventors tinkering in their garages have found solutions, but the major car companies, have bought these patents and shut them down. American car company´s don´t want to solve the energy crisis, they have been FORCED to switch to making economical cars in the past years, they are almost bankrupt.

Several technologies are already available and would be ready for mainstream use very soon if governments would invest in them. But for some reason, they always hold back, as if its taboo to go against the oil companies.

If people gave the government as much grief about it as they did Clinton the the "Harmonicas" incident then it would probably happen overnight!

Inventor from the open market. It may have already happened, but the powers that be may have made him a billionaire not to market it.

There's more than enough oil on the market. The oil companies have just jacked up prices to increase their profits... so all you have to do is stop them from jacking up prices and gas prices will drop dramatically.

Business will solve this problem, but it will need the help of Congress, however the solution will take years to implement.

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