Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How many non-British persons live in the UK and how much is it costing the government?

How many non-British persons live in the UK and how much is it costing the government?

With the country struggling with with the current recession and government revenues slowing up, plus the growing number of non-British persons claiming a variety of benefits (NHS, housing etc..). What impact are they having on the economy and at what point will the limit be reached of social acceptance in such large numbers entering the UK?

Well, the rule should be simple, no housing & no benefits for anyone who is not permanent resident of UK (including EU citizens, that means an EU citizen must pay TAX for 18 months at least to qualify for this). No Medical for anyone, who is not resident of UK (means at least spending 185 days out of one calendar year, and has paid TAX for that period).

This will sort out everything, including those money/benefit mongers coming from EU countries for benefit fraud.

Its Ironic that a Highly Skilled person entering UK & paying as high monthly TAX as a Polish is earning his monthly salary, yet unable to have any benefit even after three years of residency, While a Pola enters UK, pays TAX for 181 days & claims all benefits & housing & child care etc. that is not even available to him in his own country.

Its UK policies that are attracting, money mongers, EU citizens from states like Poland/Czech/Slovakia/Lithuania/Romania are coming for benefit fraud & non-EU non-skilled labour entering as Asylum seekers only to suck our TAX we pay for services we deserve.

I am a foreigner living and working legally in the UK who does not claim any benefits (have private health insurance, pay rent on a flat, cannot get job seekers allowance if I am made redundant) even though I have been paying taxes for 3 years.

What upsets me is that benefits like housing and job seekers allowance are given to people who are not even permanent residents. If you come from a country like Poland looking for a job, and can't find a job, then you should go back home. Why should the British government pay you for staying in the country without a job? And I have no idea why anyone who arrived should be eligible for social housing, especially since there is a shortage. That should definitely go to British citizens first. I'm a foreigner and was shocked that someone from another country could get government housing in the UK.

If the UK would not pay benefits unless you were a citizen or permanent resident, people wouldn't keep coming, except those who had education, job skills and could find a job and support themselves and their families for those 5 years.

I think you'll find that there is a net benefit to UK society and government tax take from Non British persons living in the UK.

maybe you should start looking at the "Non Doms" those that live in the UK but don't pay tax, the likes of Abramovich or People like Philip Green that runs BHS who claims that he's not resident in the UK even though he does most, if not all his business here. The rules were set up in the 70's before the internet and modern communications meant you could work from anywhere.

We need to change the rules so that British Citizens are liable for British tax unless they pay a higher rate of tax elsewhere or they have to stay out the country, on return they should have to pay the difference. For foreigners resident in the UK they should also have to pay UK tax unless their income is taxed at a higher rate elsewhere than they would pay in the UK, if it's taxed at less than the UK they should pay the UK the difference.

Stop looking at the guys coming here and contributing, start looking at the rich that are ripping us off on a scale that all the "benefit cheats" don't even come close to They benefit from our stable democracy and legal protection, and what do we get?

We have half as many illegal aliens in the U.S. than you have people in the entire U.K. I live in a sanctuary city. It is not fun.

I'm non-British and live in the UK but only temporarily (American military assigned here). I understand your question, America is battling the same problem with illegal immigration.

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