Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is it unconstitutional that the government is taking our tax dollars to save private businesses?

I cannot believe that these CEOs and upper management ran these companies like AIG into the ground by not managing their risk adequately. When the company crashes they run off with Golden parachutes of millions upon millions of dollars and the government comes in and takes our tax dollars to save them. This is complete socialism BSSSS in my opinion.

Sorry, this is complete capitalism. We are bailing them out to so the stockholders won't lose their @ss. It is called corporate welfare.

Yes and if you notice, nobody is talking about taking it to the supreme court.

We all know what the outcome would be if they had a ruling on it, even with a pro-Bush majority.

i agree with you... man, i'm in debt too... why doesn't the President help me out!

I think we should all rise up and refuse to pay taxes until the government starts using our tax dollars responsibly. If everyone did it they couldn't come after everyone and it would send a message to politicians to stop being corrupt and stealing and wasting our money.

It doesn't violate our constitutional rights, no.

It does, however, make me furious. Then again, I also want them to stop giving money to illegal Mexicans. I also want them to shut down the welfare system. I want them to stop giving money for frivilous research. I want them to stop sending our military on stupid missions. Let the freaking country that screwed itself up fix itself. To hell with them. I want the government to NOT take nearly 1/4 of my $35,000 a year. $35K is not enough to live on. I can't afford an apartment by myself. I have to have roommates or a boyfriend at all times. Lame. I want more control over what MY 23% goes towards. In fact, I wish the government would give me back all the money they took from me during the last 8 years. Bush is a bonehead.

I'm not sure, it should be though.

No, it's not. In fact, it's law that the government is obligated to back these particular entities (the GSEs). If the government doesn't help them, banks across the country will probably fail, we will hit a recession (guaranteed) and possibly a depression. It's more constitutional for them to bailout, it is promoting the general welfare.

Although I am against the idea, we have to support it reluctantly.

It is exactly that Karl Marx said it best socialism is the medium between capitalism and communism. I think we should allow this 700 billion bailout because that means the people that are struggling with their mortgage payments and the 5 family member people can support their grandmother who needs special care in the nursery or that single mom working 3 jobs to keep a roof over the kids and no father. I give crazy *** scenarios all day. The people that it would help are not the ones on here saying this BS I am financially sound its not going to hurt me, its the out of a job people who are working hard as hell to make ends meet or employed but low payment people who have to work three jobs and their wives are working three jobs as well to pay mortgages. Its very selfish to condemn the people it would save.

I am so with you on this. I say let them fold. If we are loosing our house or car, nobody comes and bails us out.

How can we stop them, were only one voice but some how some way we need to be heard. I have written emails to congress and my state rep, but what else can be done?

It doesn't seem like people understand that if they do not bail out or at least do something the world as we know it would crash!! People would go crazy! The dollar would be worth nothing! The financial chaos it would cause would far out way the effects of the bailout.....It's really a LOSE, LOSE situation....I guess the bailout is a softer fall, but none the less the great empire of THE USA is going happened to the Romans and now its happening to us...

i completely understand what you are saying. i feel the same way but i have been convinced that it is necessary.

i also feel that those CEO's should not leave with millions or even thousands for that matter. perhaps some unemployment good for 4 months in order for them to find another job and a laboring one at that. also i think that it would be unconstitutional for the government to actually have some sort of ownership over this bailout. i think if ownership is given then it is to the people who fronted the damn bill. screw those Dem's who think government should own it NO NO HELL NO that would be socialism.

thats how you go to federal prison chicago lol

but yea it is very messed up

"Is it unconstitutional ...?" - No

Well, the problem with your thinking here is that we citizens are also responsible for this financial fiasco. Running up credit cards, purchasing homes with no money down, sending kids to unaffordable colleges, voting in the wrong government representatives... wanting to believe all those ads and sales folks calling us to a so-called better life by just spending, spending, spending. This is a huge mess and we have no one to blame but ourselves.


Its not to save them...its to save the country's economy. Dipshit.

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