Thursday, April 16, 2009

What do you honestly think about the Egyptian government confiscating Hama's money in rafah borders ?

Hamas leader was carrying money from egypt into gaza through rafah borders. The money was raised by donations. As Al-Jazeera reported.

We know that the egyptian population is usually generous and loyal, and what their government did, does not apply to all of them.

By any definition it is theft and an attempt to exert control as Hamas was a democratically elected political party ~even the israeli's recognize this fact.

As an individual there is a legal amount of money in cash that can be taken out of the country and most countries have this same law,

But this was a legal representative of a legally elected and internationally recognized political party entitled by the Geneva convention to diplomatic immunity to this law.

Once again our president and his cohorts have shown their disregard for the situation in Palestine,public opinion and basic human rights.

Anyone who thinks Egyptians are living in a democracy is either a fool or somehow benefiting from the Mubarak regime.

The views of this government by no means reflect the opinion of the general population,nor does the Mubarak regime care.

For anyone who stands against them is publicly discredited by a trumped up charge and sentenced to a gaol term.

The Egyptian government did that coz they don't want the people of Gaza to be saved by Hamas they want Abbas to be the hero who will break the siege on Gaza when he's back and that's what Israel and Egypt have been working on lately, and that doesn't contradict with the manners of the egyptian government, a government that we (Egyptians)

didn't vote for and we were forced to be ruled by its ministers, oh sorry!!

I mean thieves, also a president who's been ruling us for about 28 years and then they tell us in school books and the governmental newspapers Egypt is a good example of democracy!! What do you think they will do with the money?? Of course they're gonna take it for themselves as they take our money. The incident is not about the way the money was gonna pass is illegal coz if it were going to Abbas they would have let it go, but why will they need to send it to Abbas that way, they can give it to the legal president (as they say) officially.

Egypt is a great country and I'm really proud to be Egyptian but i don't think that this is the government that Egypt and Egyptians deserve and I don't think that offending the government of Hamas (the legal government that palestinians voted for) is the right choice.

The Egyptian government took this money from hamas, and then it gave this cash to israel who will give it to Abbas to feed his secret agents in Gaza strip and west bank.

and what about the Egyptian food company which supplies the Israeli army with food during the ground offensive in Gaza , as al jazeera net . reported??

yal lal 3ar.

If they informed the borders Authority abt this money then Egyptians are wrong to take it, But if they took it without informing anyone, and they were hiding it, then the Police has the right to take this money,

And please you have to know that what the government is doing regarding this and Gaza war apply to many of us Egyptians.

Its a GREAT IDEA, not because we are not helping the Palestinians, Egyptians are the #1 place that donates to Palestine and Palestinians are allowed into our colleges for free, ect...

The idea is this is to deter Hamas, Hamas like Israel brings death and problems to the Palestnians. Hamas dont want peace, they think peace means humiliation, instead of teaching their kids to YES have dignity and so on but also to strive for peace they Arm the kids and teach them that death and destruction is the only way..

I myself have helped Gaza, but i sure as hell would never ever Help Hamas FOR THE SAKE OF THE PALESTINIANS! Hamas talk big then can't protect their people and look at the result...Hamas when the got elected pretty much split palestine into Gaza & the west bank..this is a disaster for the Palestinian cause..they are Radicals and Israel will only be happy to have the excuse that they are fighthing against israel's goverment themselves are radicals!

This is probably the only time you will see me praise Mubarak and our goverment, we did the correct thing 100% from the begining...more Egyptians have died and given and given and given and we WARNED HAMAS to cool things down, but they refuse!

The money was transferred illegaly and will only be used for rockets and so on which in the end will END UP HURTING THE PALESTINIANS THEMSELVES! Plus Egypt has sent more money to the Palestnians than anyone else, believe me they got alot...this particlar parcel was from the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood which are illegal, and i even as a Muslim Hate them and consider them against Egypt!

and for those that say Abbas is an agent, they are just uneducated idiots, Abbas is hated because he is trying to make PEACE..and the only way the palestinians will get their land back is by PEACE..and peace doesn't mean SUBMITTING OR HUMILIATION EITHER!

Hamas is a toy in the Zinoists hands that they can use as an excuse anytime, so if you USE LOGIC NOT JUST EMOTION TO THINK you will see my point!!

Bravo Egypt! Shame on Israel and Shame on HAmas!

the least we can do after the motherf#@ker Hammas terrorists killed our soldier near the borders ..

anyway the Hammas whores would have used this money to reconstruct their military infrastructures mainly ..instead of building a power plant ,a sewer system an a water purification plant for the poor Palestinians know Israel supplies Gaza with all these services i mentioned instead of launching rockets at Israel the Hammas whores should look at their own people's needs ..

it is not the first time for hamas to do this many years ago thy caught khaled meshel him self,with100 milion dollars he was coming from iran with it going gazza through rafah,,,,,these mone was taken from him and gave it to the phalistinian leader on ramallah,,,,,,it is not only egypt you can not enter any country with such great money..

Egyptian president will have his turn... you think isreal will stop with palestian, they want egypt too. and i wait for the day they turn their missles at egypt what will your beloved president mubarak do then?

most likely roll over and wag his tail like a good dog.

It is a good thing. Hamas are criminals and already killed several Egyptians and owe Egypt millions of pounds from all the crimes Gazans commit in the Sinai and kidnapping women and selling drugs to children

first: It was confiscated because it was transferred using illegal ways.

second: it wasn't donations money, it's financing from the "Muslim brotherhood".

third: who transfers 10 million dollars in cash unless it's illegal & doubtful money.

As long as hamas are using illegitimate ways to transfer money, than I believe Egypt has the right to confiscate such money.

i stopped reading after i reached "As Al-Jazeera reported."

I agree this is really bad.

you said it your self, it just represents the covernment .

that is so bad , people are starving in trapped Gaza.

momken tewadda7 what actually the government should have done?

Just proof about how corrupt our government is.

No way, ya3ni my money has been confiscated by the government? Poo on them.

You want my honest opinion? maybe he was taking the money to himself and they found out about it.

maybe they want to give this money to (Abbas) to help him.

shame on any one who helps the Zionist to starve our brothers in Gaza,

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