Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is the Government asking of new migrants to Australia?

The introduction of the Citizenship Test.

The Government is asking new immigrants to discourage their own native languages and adopt the English language.

What else is the Government un-fairly demanding from these people?

I heard Australia is asking people to immigrate there, No I believe you should adapt to the local culture, not superimpose your own.

What is unfair about asking them to give up their native language. Why should The Government be required to provide so many different language personal when if all spoke the same, then every one would understand everyone else.

BOO HOO! You adapt to the culture you move to, not force your beliefs on everyone else! If you move to Italy would you expect all Italians to learn English just for you?!

The Government is not asking new immigrants to discourage their own native languages at all.

It is fair for the Government to make sure the new Asutralians become familiar with the English language as it is a prodominate language of the country and is only for the well-being of the immigrants.

Communication is one of the most important keys in any community. Poor or none can result in the person feeling isolation and separation.

Day to day nessesities like Employment and Healthcare can be hard to obtain if you can not communicate in the same language with those you are trying to seek information from.

I'm sory but I don't think you have really understood what the Australian Government is asking. It might be a good idea to do some more research on this matter. This site may help you:


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