Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What right does your government have over your existence?

When you are born, you are born into a country and often into some form of government of which you are automatically a citizen. You are then subject to that governments laws and practices, which are in turn related to keeping the majority of citizens reasonably happy whilst ensuring a select few have their power and riches. You then spend your life in this system as there is no feasible route out. If you do not comply you are jailed. Then you die. Is this just? Should you accept it, or should you live life to your own rules and ignore that of your countries and define your own existence instead?

There is so much favoritism separate faction pandering, by those who can't compete so they cheat. Its a self doubt fabrication, fear of ones own anxiety. (what else could it be?) Everything but immpeccable fairness and ethical devotion all inclusively is a perpetuation of corruption, and to what degree one does fail it is directly proportional to the level of "recalcitrant child with potty in their pullups". some are just "fussy" babies while others are throwing temper tantrums, and smearing there doo all over the place. You are either 1) outraged by the corruption 2) "in on it" 3) braindead or 4) a lily livered pillow biter....but you are definately 1of these 4. I personally will not watch violence, and am indignant whaen speaking out that "I have never done anything bad to anyone ever." To be higher evolved by dissolving power, greed, vanity and non-inclusiveness in oneself is the actual authority to other "realization of existence experiences" because by the logic of the math its as if your everyones best friend. We all will exit our container with a positive or negative score card, and those who will scheme "selectively enforce" and suffocate prosperities "chance to happen" by jailing you as a way to perpetuate a suspicious dubious environment of endless litigation, will one day be looking out the eyeballs of an insect, remembering all the times they were human and did nothing to make it better....they would trade a million years of bug servitude (carry bug poo back and forth) for ONE day in the life, of a human, they now "think" they dispise. This doesn't mean I am against sensible laws. We need Government as a reasonable standard of health for the masses. If people were allowed to just trash themselves, new deseases could also ravage the otherwise healthy citezens. Government is supposed to be the cooperative overseers concept. Someone collects the garbage, maintains roadways, delivers water, power ect.But as for the social dynamic integrity within, laws of this sort were origianlly based upon the Ten Commandments, The motif of justice in USA is a "blindfolded woman holding balancing scales', but without "fairness" you bastardize the concept of law. I think its "taxation without representation" when they deliberately leave out the "Thou shalt not bear false witness", which is a way for corrupted local government can feed off of the tax paying citezens they are already being paid to protect from oppression. I was .00001 and got not one but 2 DUI's, it costed me alot of money, and it has since been dismissed, but its obviously a "facist" way to steal from people. The Federal Government needs to stop paying huge amounts for this "body in a bed or body in a bag" so easily manipulated by local government through crime exageration and "Orwellian" language...If we were evolving wouldnt we be subtracting laws instead of adding them?

I prefer to define my own existence but i think it is quite infeasible. How am I supposed to bypass the system? There is not a single piece of land that I can have my free existence in. We have become a working machine. If you know of a way, let me know.

In an ideal world - we would all do as we liked - but in doing so would never hurt someone else. Unfortunately - there are some incredibly selfish and even wicked people in the world. In it's simplest form - in a public park - does the person who wants to play loud music have more right than the person who wants peace and quiet?

Or does the person who wants to steal your property have more right to it than you who paid for it? And if you believe that the robber and the owner have equal rights - then has the robber the right to kill you to make sure he gets it and visa versa? And if you don't have a lot of money - you couldn't pay for your own bodyguards. In a world without government - there would always be rich and poor - that's a fact - and it's only the laws that stop some of the appauling attrocities that would be done. It's just sad that the 'do gooders' have made us 'law ridden' so that freedon is slowly but surely being eroded - and they think they are getting everyone more freedom. It's not the government that's the problem - it's human beings - whether in goverment or not! And the answer to the problem......?

My country has quite a lot of legal claims to my existence, economically. This is subject to my legal compliance.

All people are expected to behave within the dictates [laws] of the society in which they reside.

If they don't like the rules/laws, they are generally free to emigrate to another country.

But no country is going to allow someone to simply act the way they want if those actions break any laws.

If you want to have complete freedom, buy an island and try establishing your own country. :-)

You have the right to vote when 18..... use it.

Fact. We have to combine to survive. If we combine we have to decide which course to take, we in the West do this by debate( Parliament. which we elect.). The result of this debate becomes law.

Governments administer the results of the debate if we don't like the way they do this we should change the government.

If you don,t join in the debate in the first place( not vote) you can't complain if thing don't go your way and try to go your own sweet way ( no family, tribe or organisation would permit this)

Citizenship confers not only rights, but also responsibilities, otherwise we would have anarchy. The fact that everyone is entitled to equal rights also means that those rights are curtailed by the needs of the population in general. So no, I don't think you are entitled to cause mayhem and ignore others' rights just to define your own existence.

i agree with some rules and regulations but in uk its getting stupid. i would like to do my own thing, say my own thing but wouldnt like the consequences

Ah but you have not included that you have the right to vote for or against said government, or that you can leave said country for another that may suit your lifestyle better.

"In fact, each individual can, as a man, have a private will contrary to or different from the general will that he has as a citizen. His private interest can speak to him in an entirely different manner than the common interest. His absolute and naturally independant existence can cause him to envisage what he owes the common cause as a gratuitous contribution, the loss of which will be less harmful to others than its payment is burdensome to him. And in viewing the moral person which constitutes the state as a being of reason because it is not a man, he would enjoy the rights of a citixzen without wanting to fulfill the duties of a subject, an injustice whose growth would bring about the ruin of the body politic."

The right to protect of that in a particular person.

Just try it baby, and see how long you last. You are living in cloud cuckoo land. The Government has the power of life and death over you, and all your pathetic warbling will have no effect whatsoever.

*** the goverment is what i say live life to the full cus were only here once ..

Although some laws in America are not needed, does anyone have the right to kill another and get away with it? Would anyone want to live in a place where such crimes are not penalized?

Sorry... I am not playing Jeopardy, I didn't mean to answer your question with a question. :)

No, it is not just, but this is the way it is in most of the world. That's why the Pilgrims and many of the other early settlers came to the New World - to get away from oppressive governments.

The Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

In a truly free country, the government is subject to the people and has the purpose of assurring that everybody is treated fairly and nobody's rights are impinged by another.

Where there is liberty, there is opportunity. America, land of the free, has drawn immigrants from throughout the world who came seeking the promise of freedom and a chance to make a better life for themselves and their families.

Though even in America things have been turned upside down, now the government is the master and the people are the subjects. Our rights are rapidly being stripped away as our leaders rush towards a one-world system and as the public demands more largesse from the government coffers - welfare, health care, education, etc. - tax 'n spend, borrow 'n spend, the results are the same. Mandate seatbelts, outlaw pot and so on, it's all for "your own good,"

Simply ignoring the rules likely WILL just get you thrown in jail sooner or later. You have two real choices: be one of the sheeple, or speak out and work to change the system. Is the latter course of action tilting at windmills? Hardly - you've already taken the first step in opening your eyes to the truth. Those who have striven for freedom through the ages have not always been victorious, but how do you live with yourself if you don't fight the good fight?

Here is Hope for America:

You're acting like you don't have a choice. True, you don't have a choice where you are born, but your parents do. When you mature, if you don't like where you are living, you can move.

There is always a way out, it's just that some people are lazy and don't want to do what it takes to free themselves.

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