Monday, April 13, 2009

Why do liberals run to Daddy Government to fix everything, giving the Federal government more power?

How can you say the Federal government is where the power should be when the 10th Amendment clearly states that unlisted powers go to the States of People?

Thomas Jefferson who WROTE THE CONSTITUTION said that a government that governs least governs best.

History proves over and over again that bigger government and forcing a larger middle class ultimately bring economic crisis and invasions of the citizens rights and the right of a free market.

For sheep it is easier to have someone else do your thinking for you, that way you are free to parrot the seven second sound bites you get from, CNN, and the onion.

because they are upset that they might have to think

thinking proves to be very hard on people that have a little brain

they also do not kno history

they do not care what their constitution says

a 13 year old (me) understands more about government than them

a 13 year old who has come to her political beliefs by reading and analyzing the constitution

(im very proud of that fact, cuz now when my liberal friends say "u just think that way cuz of ur parents" i can say that they are mistaken)

I'm a conservative, but let's not forget that the Neo-Cons that have been in power for 8 years have done the same thing.


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