Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How can we force the US government to take serious measures to insure food safety?

According to an editorial in today's New York Times (11/26/07), "The private laboratories that test foods from companies from companies on the government's "import alert list" cannot automatically report tainted food to the Food and Drug Administration. Instead, they must give their reports to the importer who is paying for the test. If a shipment fails one laboratory's test, some importers have switched to a less-reputable laboratory to get the tainted foodstuff through."

What politicians fear most is embarrassment.

America has the safest food supply on the planet. However, there will always be ways to improve.

Well, the Gov't is taking the issue seriously--just not they way you want.

get more involved!!!

get others involved as well!!!

write letters!!!

Either we must stop buying imports, or start raising and planting our own food. Seriously, I dont believe we'll be around much longer to be worried about foodbourne illnesses. Perhaps we can give all of the inspectors"Aqua-Dots" in their Christmas cookies and when it converts to the daterape drugs when ingested, they will take our safety on a much more personal level and higher standards.

The best way to get the politicians to change anything is to vote and elect people who arent "Career Poiticians". Career Politicians are the ones who have been corrupted from lobbying, corporate buyoffs, etc. People who are non-career politicians cant have their agenda bought. They are in politics for the good of the people, not in politics for a job. At least in theory this is a solution.

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