Sunday, April 12, 2009

What are the dangers when government excludes the voices of the people?

What are the dangers that arise when government takes the side of the corporations and excludes the voices of the people?

The problem with the government now is that they have to much power. According to the Constitution they should be working FOR THE PEOPLE.

After short-changing, conning and deceiving own little ones, own children, own generation, own tribe, own community and children of all tribe of different community with cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant with non-existence 30% equity rights on every things in life off the land?

Luke 3.7-9

After hitting them all on the head with the Book of the Dead of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in messing up someone else graveyards with self lack of knowledge?

Luke 8.5-8,10-17

Look in the real world.

Who will get kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy being run out of town in time in own backyards towards the open sea?

Luke 9.25,55-56,60

Back to the fishing village when they belong back in the past.

In paying for all the damages done in messing up human lives of someone else little children in time with self lack of knowledge?

When everyone queue at the court house?

On claims for the damages done in time?

As tribe of a Rudeness Tribe?

Leviticus 4. 13,22

What do you think?

Well the US's constitution in theory protects the freedom of speech,but as seen during the early and mid 1900s that this nation doesn't hold up its own rules. Even under the Bush Administation we have the rather intrusive "Patriot" Act.

A good government fears its people and serves their interests only not its own,but the US's government has lost its fear of the people and has its own agenda. In "democracy" the people aren't supposed to be afraid to voice their anger or disapproval of the government actions but Americans have been castrated and sits down like bitches as the government feeds them propanganda and instills fear in us of anything not american. Most Americans now who are brainwashed into thinking everyone opposes our "democracy" are terrorist.

I wouldn't know, since our government does represent the people and is not in the business of ignoring the people in favor of "corporations."

It is not clear to me what exclusions you are referring too. Your voice is heard by your vote for the candidates and what they stand for.

Tyranny and power gone mad.

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