Monday, April 13, 2009

What good can come from the government controlling public transportation?

How can public transportation improve if we hand it over to the government

Because public transportation requires a lot of capital investment that takes a LONG time to be recouped (railroads, etc.). You seem to forget that the Interstate Highway system was a government project. The Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroads were both government projects. No one company had the money, or the patience, to allow these huge works projects to be created. Public transportation requires a very long view which most private companies simply do not have. Can you imagine a private company saying "We want to build a 50 billion dollar railroad across the nation... and it won't become profitable until 10 years after it's built, and it will take 15 years to build?" Not likely

Most public trans is controlled by the gov now or at least heavily subsidized by the gov. It is the only way it works in the U.S. Peace.

Someone else put it better in a following post, but, before public (government) help, we had dirt roads, no signals, no police protection, no safety regulations (think about the pics of dozens of people hanging off the outsides of buses and trams in foreign countries), etc. Deregulation leads to chaos like we have now in the U.S.

Because democrats think that government is the solution to all problems. No good can come from this.

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