Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What government related essay topic would be a good one to write on?

My professor assigned an essay for us to write and his only instructions is to have it government related. I am suppose to use evidence, or support from a few reading we did together in class. I can't seem to come up with a good topic, so I decided to ask other people for help. If you know a good government related essay topic please do suggest it! Thanks.

Government related in what aspect? I think addressing the issue of the government providing Health Care to Americans would be a great topic as there is so much debate around it. Other good topics maybe the improvements in the U.S. defense system after 9/11 and the impact it had on U.S. citizens (airport security, bomb scares, drills, etc).

Or Even relate the 2 in a sense. Use the amount of money used to defend the country in comparison to how much it would cost to provide basic Health Care coverage to americans.

Improvements in the Welfare system is another great topic as well.

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