Thursday, April 9, 2009

What will the government do when the first flying cars become popular?

I saw it (and I am sure I am not alone) on Yahoo. A flying machine that has all the standards of a car and an airplane. So what happens when this becomes popular? What happens when people start taking off into the air to avoid traffic? Does the government have what it takes to regulate car/air travel? Can they do this without shutting the flying car away in a box so that we will never see it? I don't know. Do you?

not sure but i'm sure they'll find some way of taxing the f**k out of us for whatever solution they decide upon.

if you watch movies with flying cars: bladerunner, star wars, the fifth element, minority report, one can see that alot of the taking off into the air is done semi-automatically and controlled somewhat in grids. There is uniform traffic and certain altitudes, etc. The government will always have it what it takes to regulate everything, recently in europe they are thinking of taxing cow farts. - no lie, look at the London Sun newspaper, march 19th online edition. really think they will allow personal air travel if it becomes more than just a handful of people? Think about the way people drive. You'd have 5 bazillion catastrophes a day. There is just no way we could have that.

If we can control jets and put a man on the moon, we can control some flying cars.

Tax it to the hilt like everything else.

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