Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why does government prohibit siblings from having offspring, but allows Palin to knowingly bear a Down's baby?

She knew from tests that her child would not be normal, yet she was allowed to bring him to term. If the government can lawfully prevent someone from getting pregnant because the baby will not be normal, why then can't the government terminate a pregnancy when they know the fetus is abnormal?

Technically, if a woman is impregnated by her sibling, she has every right to carry that child to term. The act of incest is censured, but the government has no right to force anyone to abort. In the same vein, a woman can choose to continue a pregnancy with a Down's, Spina Bifida, or anything else fetus. It's called being pro-choice.

Forced abortion?

Are you also in favor of taking our senior citizens out and terminating their life when they become a burden?

The government may say it is illegal for siblings to have children together,but that doesn't mean that it will not happen. So they are not preventing anything.

No one,especially the government,has the right to tell you that you can or cannot have a child.

Because having sex with blood relatives is insane. A 45 yr old female having a Down's Syndrome child by choice is a blessing. Your thought process is truly off the wall and bears no merit. Get a grip and please for the love of Pete, don't and I mean don't...reproduce.

So you are saying people with Downs Syndrome don't deserve to live? What about people with other undesirable traits? Should we terminate them too? Haven't you ever seen the movie Gattaca?


I guess you're not a big proponent of cultural diversity, then.

Why, Do you regret that they let you live?

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