Sunday, April 12, 2009

How can we make our government smaller and more efficient?

We pay out the wazoo in taxes, and the Government still can't do anything right. How can we make sure our tax dollars end up where we want them to?

At this point, with the pandering going on right now, I don't think it is possible to shrink government.

Why would you want to?!?

"The best public servant is the worst one. A thoroughly first-rate man in public service is corrosive. He eats holes in our liberties. The better he is and the longer he stays the greater the danger. If he is an enthusiast -- a bright-eyed madman who is frantic to make this the finest government in the world -- the black plague is a house pet by comparison." -- Journal of Commerce, 1928

Have a limit on the number of years a person can hold an office.

That would inspire folks to work harder to get things done before their term limit is up. And we wouldn't have to pay them endless step increases for excessive years as a public servant.

Get rid of all the Republicans. And let the people's votes count and get rid of all the super delegates.

By voting.

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